What Is Kratom Extract?
Kratom and kratom-based products are becoming more and more popular in America. These herbal substances are known to produce both...
The History of Red Kratom
If you’re a fan of kratom, you may have begun to be interested in gaining an understanding of the plant....
Know the Benefits of Mitragyna Speciosa
These days, there are a lot of new herbal products on the market that promise great benefits. One you may...
5 Ways to Relax
It’s no secret that life can be stressful. Our schedules can be hectic, and right now, we’re battling inflation as...
Kratom 101
Kratom’s popularity surge within America is quickly catching up to its herbal counterpart - CBD. According to the American Kratom...
Alkaloids Explained
What makes Kratom so special? It’s actually two things, and they are both alkaloids. Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine (sometimes referred to...
Kratom Strains, Veins & Varieties
Kratom strains are classified into three different color groups: Red-vein, White-vein, and Green-vein. The color becomes the strain's primary name....
Coffee & Kratom – Cousins in Comfort
Picture this classic scene: A mother is cooking and preparing breakfast, the table is already set. Two bouncing little children...
What is Mitragyna Speciosa?
What is commonly referred to as Kratom is scientifically known as Mitragyna Speciosa - a tropical evergreen tree in the...
Is Kratom Legal in South Carolina? Kratom Challenges and Advocacy
With its myriad potential benefits, kratom is swiftly gaining popularity across the nation. While there are no age restrictions mandated...
Liquid Kratom: An In-Depth Exploration of its Extraction Process and Benefits
Liquid Kratom has emerged as a fascinating subject of exploration in recent years, captivating enthusiasts and researchers alike with its...
White Indo Kratom: Exploring Its Role and Potential Benefits
In the world of botanical supplements, few names resonate with the intrigue and potential of White Indo Kratom. Hailing from...